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‘It’s just a verruca – surely no big deal.’

‘I don’t think I’ve got time to sort it out at the moment.’

‘Perhaps if I leave it alone, it’ll go away…’

Some people have thoughts like these when they first develop a verruca. They may try to ignore this foot problem instead of tackling it.

If you’ve got one, perhaps you don’t feel it merits much attention either and aren’t in a hurry to act. However, there are many reasons why you’re better off seeking professional verruca treatment sooner rather than later, as we’ll explain.

Caused by a Viral Infection

Verrucas (or verrucae) are warts that grow on the bottom of your feet. Chiropodists sometimes call them plantar warts (plantar is a medical term for the sole).

They are rough, fairly round and white or yellow. Unlike corns and calluses, verrucas contain tiny blood vessels that look like black dots.

Verruca infections are caused by various strains of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). It can easily enter the sole through broken skin.

At first, they may only be a few millimetres wide; easy to miss or dismiss. But our London chiropody experts recommend that you check your feet regularly and don’t ignore a verruca – here are six reasons why.

  1. Verrucas Usually Get Worse

They may grow and grow if untreated. It could reach the point where it’s over a centimetre wide and bordered or covered by hard skin – a real nuisance.

Over time, the pressure you exert on it when standing or in motion may force the verruca deeper into your foot.

  1. They Can Multiply

The skin surrounding the verruca can get infected too, especially if you scratch the growth (warts often itch). So if you don’t treat it swiftly, you may end up with a cluster of them.

This is known as having mosaic warts, and they’re harder to get rid of than a solitary wart.

  1. Verrucas Cause Foot Pain

Foot pain, discomfort and tenderness are familiar to many sufferers, especially when weight-bearing areas, such as the ball of the foot, are infected.

Imagine how awful it feels to stand, walk or run when a verruca has really taken hold and is growing across – and into – the bottom of your foot. As the NHS explains, the pain is ‘like standing on a needle’.

No wonder some people with verrucas limp or develop problems with their posture, joints and muscles.

  1. Verrucas Make Staying Active Difficult

A painful verruca makes everyday activities such as climbing the stairs challenging. Your enthusiasm for playing sport or visiting the gym is likely to diminish. You’ll also find it difficult to enjoy all the fantastic things there are to do in London.

Adopting a sedentary lifestyle in an effort to reduce the pain isn’t the answer – this could take a considerable toll on your health.

Why let an untreated verruca hold you back when you can visit our chiropody experts at a London foot clinic instead?

  1. Verruca Infections Spread Easily

If you touch your verruca then another part of your foot, you may inadvertently spread the infection.

What’s more, it’s all too easy to infect other people. The infection spreads via skin-to-skin contact and contaminated surfaces. Everything from towels to swimming pool tiles can become verruca hotspots. Damaged or damp skin is particularly vulnerable.

Wearing shower shoes and not sharing towels are two ways to reduce the risk of spreading the verruca virus. But this risk will remain until the infection is eradicated.

  1. Verruca Treatment is More Effective than Ever

There’s no guarantee verrucas will clear up without treatment – some linger for years.

Professional verruca treatments are better than ever and more powerful than over-the-counter products.

Our skilled chiropodists provide:

  • Strong acid-based treatments – the acid destroys infected skin cells.
  • Cryotherapy – infected cells are frozen to rupture them. The virus enters your bloodstream, where it’s dealt with by your immune system.
  • Verruca needling – the verruca is punctured with a sterile needle. This brings the virus into contact with your fatty tissue, which is rich in infection-combatting immune regulators.
  • Swift microwave treatment – a microwave-emitting probe heats up and destroys infected cells.

Verruca Treatment at Superb London Foot Clinics

Visit a Feet By Pody London foot clinic and we’ll find the best verruca treatment option for you and treat the problem, so you can get back to doing the things you love.

We work Monday to Saturday and offer extended opening hours, as we know our patients have busy schedules.

Fed up of your verruca? Book an appointment with Feet By Pody today!