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It’s the holiday season and time for some rest and relaxation. The last thing you want is for something to spoil your holiday, but there’s a problem it’s easy to overlook – your feet.

Holidays can be tough on your feet. Whether indulging in your favourite hobby – hiking, cycling or beach sports perhaps – or simply sightseeing, you’ll be on your feet far more than usual (and don’t forget the endless hike around the airport).

This may not sound like a problem until you consider how much of your working life is spent sitting down – in the office, on the sofa, commuting. Even with regular exercise your daily routine involves a lot of sitting.

Don’t let your holiday take your feet by surprise. Here are some tips to keep them healthy.

The Right Shoes

For hiking or sports, the right footwear is vital (this is true even when you’re at home). Your shoes must provide stability and cushioning and prevent injury. They should also fit correctly to prevent rubbing and blisters – a painful problem that’s sure to ruin your holiday adventures.

Don’t Forget Your Socks

In warmer weather, it’s tempting to go without socks. Indeed, it’s often a good idea to let your feet enjoy some fresh air. However, when walking or doing sports you must protect your feet, and this means wearing socks to prevent friction and excess moisture – a situation sure to have painful consequences.

Socks made from natural fibres keep moisture away from your skin and allow your feet to breathe. Cotton or bamboo socks are ideal. If you’re hiking in colder areas, you may need two pairs – a thin pair plus a thicker sock for extra warmth.

Even if you’re just sightseeing, your feet are still under more pressure than usual. Comfortable and supportive footwear and the correct socks prevent your trip from turning into hard work.

Get Your Toenails Ready

Toenail maintenance is always essential, and holidays are no exception. Untidy nails cause all sorts of problems. Regular trimming and filing keep them short and neat; make sure you do this as part of your holiday preparations.

If your nails are too long, they’ll rub against your shoes – it’s uncomfortable and causes nails to splinter or break altogether. Debilitating issues such as ingrown toenails, sores and infections are sure to follow.

Protect Your Feet with Custom Orthotics

Insoles provide excellent protection and support (and help avoid injury). A custom-made pair of orthotics provides the best benefits, and you can wear them in any circumstance – you don’t have to be on holiday.

Don’t Go Crazy

On holiday it’s tempting to pack in as much as possible but try to ease yourself in gently – particularly if you’re being more active than usual. Start by walking shorter distances and gradually build up your activity time.

When you’re out and about take regular breaks – after all, who doesn’t enjoy watching the world go by accompanied by a tasty treat? This is also a good time to top up your water intake, as staying hydrated is always essential.

Take Some Medical Supplies, Just in Case

Even with the right preparation, problems can crop up. Take some supplies with you – blister plasters, ordinary plasters, some antiseptic cream and your favourite painkillers ease all sorts of issues (always check with a professional before taking any medication).

See Your Podiatrist Before You Go

Not sure what’s best for your holiday? For reliable advice have a chat with one of our experienced podiatrists before you travel.

Contact one of our London clinics today