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Verrucae (also called plantar warts) are caused by certain strains of the Human Papilloma Virus.

You can be infected with HPV for weeks or months before a verruca develops, and so it can be impossible to determine where and when you caught it.

As verrucae grow on the soles of feet and toes, they can be irritating. Moreover, they can become a persistent problem without effective verruca treatment.

How to Identify a Verruca

Some people may find it difficult to distinguish between verrucae and similar-looking ailments, such as corns. If you’re wondering whether you need verruca treatment or another remedy, the first step is to identify what’s appeared on your foot.

What features do verrucae have?

They’re rough, hard areas that are whitish and may have one or more black dots. Look closely at a verruca and you’ll notice that, in contrast to many other kinds of lesion, it isn’t covered by the skin’s striations (i.e. the grooves on the sole of your foot). You can see photos of verrucae on our verruca treatment page.

If you’re still unsure whether or not you have a verruca, you can consult one of our podiatrists in order to obtain a diagnosis. The next step is to treat the condition.

Importance of Treating Your Verruca Swiftly

It’s advisable to seek verruca treatment sooner rather than later, not least because one verruca can easily multiply, creating unpleasant clusters called mosaic warts. Obtaining verruca treatment swiftly can minimise your verruca’s impact on your life.

Verrucae can cause discomfort and pain. That’s because they often grow on the foot’s weight-bearing points, and the pressure exerted on them when you walk or stand pushes them inwards and leads to a build-up of hard, dead skin cells. They can also lead to acute social embarrassment and discourage you from showing your feet.

Verrucae are contagious, and people are more likely to catch them if the skin on their feet is wet or damaged. They spread via contact with contaminated skin, objects (such as socks, shoes or towels) and surfaces (showers, changing room floors, swimming pool tiles, etc.).

Specialist Verruca Treatment at London Clinics

Verruca treatments bought over-the-counter in pharmacies aren’t always effective enough to solve the problem. For that reason, it can be highly beneficial to receive specialist verruca treatment, tailored to your specific needs, from a podiatrist.

Here at Feet By Pody, we have extensive experience of successfully treating verrucae at our modern, hygienic, well-equipped foot care clinics in London. We provide a professional, friendly service and offer a variety of verruca treatment types.

  • Acid crystals: the acid kills off the infected skin cells, which can then be removed.
  • Cryotherapy: using the latest equipment, we freeze infected skin cells. That ruptures them, forcing the virus into the bloodstream. Your immune system then fights off the infection.
  • Dry needling: this treatment, ideal for stubborn verrucae clusters, creates a portal from the viral tissue to adipose tissue, so that your immune system can attack the virus directly. Local anaesthetic makes the needling as painless as possible.

If you prefer, we can explore alternative treatment options with you.

Book Your Treatment Today

While there are steps you can take to try and prevent verrucae, the reality is that the majority of people will develop HPV-related warts at some stage. Verrucae are common, and so there’s no need to feel ashamed or avoid seeking treatment.

For expert treatment to eliminate your verruca at a London clinic, please call Feet By Pody today on 0207 099 6657 or book an appointment online.