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Check out all the latest news from Feet By Pody’s Podiatry Blog and stay up-to-date on the latest podiatry topics, including health advice, useful information, and tips on foot care.

The Benefits of Regular Foot Check-ups

The Benefits of Regular Foot Check-ups

Our feet are under constant pressure, but we tend to overlook them until something goes wrong. Regular maintenance with your podiatrist keeps you mobile and healthy, so why not give regular foot check-ups a go? Your car gets a regular service, so why not be as kind to...

Foot Care During Pregnancy

Foot Care During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, your body changes to support the growing baby. Weight gain, hormonal changes, altered posture and fluid retention are natural consequences as your baby grows. Not surprisingly, many of these issues affect your feet and legs, but help is at hand from...

Plantar Plate Injuries: Causes and Treatments

Plantar Plate Injuries: Causes and Treatments

The plantar plate is a tough, fibrous ligament that connects the metatarsals (foot bones) to the toes. It provides essential padding underneath the ball of the foot. This part of your foot is under constant pressure, which makes it vulnerable to injury. In certain...

Toenail Surgery Aftercare: Your Guide to Recovery

Toenail Surgery Aftercare: Your Guide to Recovery

How long is recovery after toenail surgery? Read on and find out what you should expect after toenail surgery and the correct postoperative care to aid your recovery. Ingrown toenails, fungal infections and thickened toenails are common issues for the experienced...

Achilles Tendonitis – Causes and Treatment

Achilles Tendonitis – Causes and Treatment

The Achilles tendon is a thick band of tissue that connects your heel bone to the calf muscle. It’s the biggest and strongest tendon in your body, and it helps to move and control your foot. However, constant pressure leaves it susceptible to inflammation and injury –...

Winter Foot Care: Managing Common Problems

Winter Foot Care: Managing Common Problems

Wintry weather is a challenging time for your feet. It causes skin and nails to dry out, leaving them weak and vulnerable to infection. Trying to keep your feet warm leads to problems as well, but there are many easy ways to keep your feet comfy and healthy. Find out...

How to Build a New You (Without Driving Yourself Mad)

How to Build a New You (Without Driving Yourself Mad)

The idea of improving your health, fitness and diet often looms large at this time of year, but changing your eating habits or starting to exercise is often a struggle. Before long, you’re back to square one and out comes the chocolate! You Need Patience and a Routine...

Why You Need to Stretch Before and After Exercising

Why You Need to Stretch Before and After Exercising

Preparing to exercise is just as important as the workout itself. You also need to cool down afterward. These steps help avoid injury and allow you to get the very best results from any activity. Why Stretching is Important We all know exercise is good for our overall...

The Dangers of Bad Posture and How It Affects Your Feet

The Dangers of Bad Posture and How It Affects Your Feet

When struggling with a particular health issue we tend to focus on the bit that hurts or doesn’t work properly. We overlook the fact that the problem area isn’t a standalone feature – it’s attached to and dependent upon other parts of the body. Everything is part of a...

How to Prevent Falls at Home

How to Prevent Falls at Home

We all experience a bit of wear and tear but there’s usually nothing to worry about.  However, as we age our risk of falling increases, and with it the risk of serious injury. Indeed, in the UK 1 in 3 people over 65 years will fall at least once a year. Many of these...